Look at this! They found a few more buffaloes in the airport runways grounds in Surat!

Ha! Ha! Only two days before there was a major mishap avoided as one of India’s new airliner Spicejet jets crashed into a buffalo on the runway before takeoff. It was a freak accident that put over one hundred and forty people’s lives in danger. There was a huge cry in the media. The ministry of civil aviation issued orders for concrete walls to be built all the airport grounds in all the airports in India. This accident in Surat had happened only because it was plain wire fencing that surrounded the runways here.

As a routine check the municipal authorities in Surat conducted an aerial search yesterday to see if there were any more buffaloes roaming around anywhere inside. They did it by helicopters. The helicopter pilots had the shock of their lives. They saw at least three more animals moving around in their slow pace inside the airport runway campus totally unaware of the commotion they were creating.

What are we going to have next? Dogs? Pigs? Horses? All of these can be found outside every airport ground in India. One only has to see the congestion of hutment dwellers just next to the runways in Mumbai.


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