Expressing Greetings & Leave-Taking

Materi Bimbel hari ini adalah Expressing Greetings and Leave Taking (ungkapan pertemuan dan perpisahan), yuk simak materinya dan selamat belajar!

However, you can also use greeting to open a conversation and use leave-taking for closing.

1. Formal Greeting:
- Good morning (until about lunch time, or before 12 a.m.)
- Good afternoon (12 to 6 p.m.)
- Good evening (until about 9 p.m.)
- Good morning, sir.
Note; do not use "good day", except in Australia.

2. Informal Greeting:
- Hi, Lizzy!
- Morning, Jim!
- Hello.

3. Initial Greeting:
- How are you?
- How's it going?
- How are you doing?
- How's life?

4. Responding to Initial Greeting:
- Very well, thank you and how are you?
- I'm good / okay / alright
- Very well, thank you.
- Oh, pretty good
- Not too bad, thanks
- Fine, thanks
- Excellent

5. Before Closing:
- OK then ...
- I've got to go now
- So, I'll see you next week
- I think I'd better be going now
- Well, it's time for me to leave
- I think it's already late at night
- I must be going home

6. Closing / Leave-Taking:
- Goodbye
- Bye-bye, Bye, Bye now, See you, Take care
- See you later
- See you soon
- See you tonight
- Good night (after 8 p.m. or retiring to bed)
Note; do not use "good evening" for leave-taking, but use " good night" 

7. Read and give a response to the following expressions!
1) How are you doing?
2) Hello
3) See you tomorrow
4) Goodbye
5) See you about seven, then
6) Good night
7) See you later
8) How do you do?
9) See you soon


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